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This Star Has A Routine You’ll Be Proud Of

This Star Has A Routine You'll Be Proud Of
This Star Has A Routine You'll Be Proud Of

This star has a routine you’ll be proud of. We all have our routines to weither get our day going or wine down after a long day, and stars are no different. Take a look and see why she’s one of us…

This Star Has A Routine You’ll Be Proud Of

“My parents were big proponents of self-confidence and instilled it in my sisters and me from a young age,” Williams tells Bustle. “For them, our mental health and self-esteem always came first, so they’re the reason I grew up confident in my body and in myself.”

This is why Williams has teamed up with Dove and Nike on their Body Confident Sport program, which offers online coaching tools that help young girls increase their body esteem, reduce self-objectification, and encourage them to stay in sports. “I know not everyone is fortunate to have a support system in place, which is why [this program] is so important,” says Williams.

Other ways the athlete takes care of her mental health? By prioritizing her skin care routine, hanging with her dog, and rolling out her yoga mat. Here, Williams shares her self-care rituals, including the a.m. beverage that satisfies her sweet tooth.

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Sp after reading this, doesn’t this star has a routine you’ll be proud of? I know we here at doggytimes.org certainly is. What’s your routine to get settled after a long stressful day? Leave a comment below…


Are German Shepherds Good Luck…This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is

Are German Shepherds Good Luck...This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is
Are German Shepherds Good Luck...This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is

The world of celebrities is vastly diferent from us common folk but one had a interview that made us wonder Are German Shepherds Good Luck…This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is. Time will tell the truth of whether it is or isn’t but it definitely has peole interested. So, after seeing what happen with his german shepherd see if your fur baby has aided in this. Take a look…

Are German Shepherds Good Luck…This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is

Speaking on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’, she said “It is actually a funny story. Billy’s dog at the time, Tex – who was the most beautiful German Shepherd you’ve ever seen – he was tapped in to some divine purpose because we were, at the time, just friends.”

Just weeks ago, Billy announced that he and Firerose – whose real name is Joanna Rosie Hodges – had said their vows in what he called the “most perfect, ethereal celebration of love” ever.

He wrote on Instagram: “”10/10/23 will always be the beautiful, joyous day that our two souls united as one in holy matrimony. It was the most perfect, ethereal celebration of love we could have ever imagined.

“For both of us to hear the preacher say, “Billy Ray and Firerose Cyrus… I now pronounce you husband and wife” that was the sacred moment our new forever began. Long Live Love!”

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So Are German Shepherds Good Luck…This Celebrity Seems To Feel His Is …can be like beauty being in the eye of the beholder. But who is anyone to argue with love when it arrives? Has your dog aided in making a love connection for you or someone you know? Let us know below…


Do These 3 Things And Your Dog Could Be A Healthy Shining Example

Do These 3 Things And Your Dog Could Be A Healthy Shining Example
Do These 3 Things And Your Dog Could Be A Healthy Shining Example

Don’t be surprised if you do these 3 things and your dog could be a healthy shining example. There’s a list of 10, but I think if you master these 3, which probably cover more of your everyday healthcare concerns. Take a look for yourself…

Do These 3 Things And Your Dog Could Be A Healthy Shining Example

4. Dental Care
Although it’s frequently disregarded, dental hygiene is important for your dog’s health and cleanliness. Gum disease, bad breath, and even systemic health problems can all be caused by dental disorders.

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly with a toothbrush and toothpaste made especially for dogs to keep them healthy. Plaque and tartar buildup can be lessened with dental chews, toys, and snacks intended to enhance dental health.

Regular dental examinations with your veterinarian can identify and treat oral problems early. If necessary, they might advise getting your teeth cleaned by a professional.

5. Regular Baths
A crucial aspect of keeping your dog clean and healthy is bathing them. Finding the appropriate balance is important. This is because excessive bathing might result in skin issues. The number of baths your dog needs depends on the breed and way of living. In general, a bath every one to three months should be sufficient. However, for more detailed advice, speak with your veterinarian.

Use a shampoo made specifically for dogs to avoid irritating your dog’s skin. Be sure to thoroughly yet gently wipe their paws, ears, and eyes while giving them a wash. After that, ensure your dog is completely dry to avoid bacterial and fungal illnesses.

6. Flea and Tick Prevention
Ticks and fleas can seriously harm your dog’s health, making them more dangerous than just a nuisance. These parasites can potentially cause skin rashes, trigger allergies, and even spread diseases. Establish a program for flea and tick prevention to keep your dog clean and healthy.

There are many preventive items on the market, including collars, topical treatments, and oral drugs. The best choice for your dog will be determined in consultation with your veterinarian.

Always inspect your dog for fleas and ticks, especially after being outside, and get rid of them right away if you find any. To protect both your family and your dog, maintaining a flea-free environment in your house is crucial.

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So what are your feelings…do these 3 things and your dog could be a healthy shining example? Will doing these 3 cover your everday concerns? What concerns are missing? Let us know below…


A Dog On A Plane Gets Attention Then Authorities Gets Involved?

A Dog On A Plane Gets Attention Then Authorities Gets Involved?
A Dog On A Plane Gets Attention Then Authorities Gets Involved?

We all have to travel at times. Sometimes we travel great distances and other times it may be quick turn arounds. In ALL instances the little ones want to come along with us. I’m quite sure you give in to keep them happy, and yourself as well. Well, what about those times when you have to take a flight? If you’re in the mindset that “my furry friend(s) goes wherever I go”…you may want to think twice about flying with them after this. Take a look…

A Dog On A Plane Gets Attention Then Authorities Gets Involved?

A woman was kicked off a Southwest flight for petting her newly adopted puppy, and one witness is speaking out about the incident.

On Saturday, Sara Price posted a video on TikTok showing a fellow passenger being removed from their Southwest flight out of Colorado Springs after multiple run-ins with the flight attendants over the unnamed passenger’s new pet.

Price tells PEOPLE that she and her husband were standing in line near the other passenger waiting to board the plane. She says the woman’s puppy “whined a little” when “​​the lady from Southwest checking boarding passes came flying over and said ‘if you can’t keep that dog quiet, you may not be able to fly.’”

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How would you have responded to the flight attendant’s request? Was the flight attendant wrong or just following company policy? I thnk she could have been more understanding at least. Let us know below…


This May Work For Shiba Inus But Will Help Your Dogs Complex Diseases

This May Work For Shiba Inus But Will Help Your Dogs Complex Diseases
This May Work For Shiba Inus But Will Help Your Dogs Complex Diseases

According to the scientific data this may work for shiba inus but will help your dogs compex diseases? The author goes into great detail about why and how, but is this exclusive to shiba inus or across all breeds? Take a look…

This May Work For Shiba Inus But Will Help Your Dogs Complex Diseases

Microbes have recently gained significant attention due to their crucial role and therapeutic potential in addressing common complex diseases, such as atopic dermatitis in humans. Dysbiosis (imbalance in the community of microbes) in the skin has been the most well addressed in human AD patients. Scientists from the Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology at the University of Lübeck, together with colleagues at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technologies and Royal Canine SAS systematically described compositions of microbes residing on the skin and in the gut from adult Shiba Inu dogs. Shiba Inu is a canine breed known to be highly susceptible to cAD, particularly in Japan. To analyze the microbiome, researchers took skin swab samples from 12 skin sites per dog in addition to stool samples from four different Shiba Inu dog groups; (1) newly diagnosed cAD dogs without treatment, (2) the same cAD dogs after receiving Janus kinase antagonist (Oclacitinib; Apoquel®) for 2 weeks (0.4-0.6 mg/kg, twice daily), (3) cAD dogs with long-term Oclacitinib treatment (0.4-0.6 mg/kg, once a day) and (4) healthy dogs, and profiled the bacterial composition by using bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. With this experimental design, they compared the microbiome of cAD-affected dogs to that of healthy dogs, and they evaluated the impact of treatment with Oclacitinib on the changes in the microbiota. Apoquel® is a veterinary used drug to treat pruritis associated with allergic skin inflammation including cAD, and it blocks the action of enzymes Janus kinases, which mediate itchiness and the inflammation.

The most prominent finding of the study is that Fusobacteria and Megamonas are highly abundant in healthy dogs but significantly reduced in cAD-affected dogs. After receiving Oclacitinib this bacterial abundance in cAD-affected dogs was reverted towards the levels of healthy dogs. Interestingly, the change of the microbiota caused by the treatment was more prominent in the gut than that on the skin. These results indicate that microbes serve as potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers for cAD. In addition, the researchers performed canine whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing of buccal swab samples obtained from the dogs. For the first time, this study revealed an association of dog mitochondrial haplogroups, i.e., a combination of genetic variations in the mitochondrial DNA, with specific bacterial taxa in the skin and gut.

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So after reading this this may work for shiba inus but will help your dogs compex diseases is a legitimate question! What answer did you come up with for your best friend? Will this work? Let us know below in the comment section…




Have you ever asked yourself why is my dog licking his paws alot? Well there could be a variety of reasons why, but understanding what is means or is a sign of can be of extreme importance…don’t believe me? Take a look…


How to stop dog licking paws due to pain

If you think your dog is in pain, you need to seek advice from your vet as soon as possible. Medication and pain relief are used frequently in the older dog along with laser treatments. Hydrotherapy is another wonderful way to help your dog’s stiff spine and joints, and a qualified canine physiotherapist may be able to help alleviate symptoms, too.

If your dog has cancer, there are various treatments available, but if it’s a case of palliative care, your vet will be able to prescribe strong medications to keep them comfortable and enjoy the time they have left.


Wounds or cysts are another cause of excessive licking. Foreign bodies, such as grass seeds, thorns, burrs or foxtails, can also get stuck and embedded in paws, which will cause your dog to lick the area. It is imperative that you remove the objects where possible before cleaning. If they’re embedded too fair, then your vet will have to remove them under sedation or with anaesthetic.

How to stop dog licking paws due to injury

The wound, scrape, cut or thorn that you remove needs a thorough clean. I like to have an antimicrobial and antibacterial cleaner, such as Hibiscrub (which you can get on Amazon) in my first aid kit, along with saline water to flush it through. If it’s a small wound or scrape, I would suggest putting some Sudocream on it, then covering it with a sock. You can also use a dog cone – I prefer the soft cone alternatives or inflatable neck rings – to stop your dog licking a wound once clean.
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So do we answer the question why is my dog licking his paws alot? As seen above there could be a variety of reasons why a would lick his paws, what’s your dog’s reason? Leave a comment below…


Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking 

Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking 
Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking 

Oh my gosh, once you find out Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking it’ll make you really re-examine where we are as human beings and a country. Most of us are rational and you’ll probably hate that someone has to give their dog, but you can think of circumstances where it’s best for the dog, or the owner, or the community at large if someone gave up their their dog! However, this woman’s dog wasn’t given up for one of those reasons!  Take a look…


Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking

On Oct. 2, Michelle Hagen was busy getting the kids ready for school when the unthinkable happened. Her 7-month-old, mini Australian Shepherd, Chief, ran across Sheyenne St. and was hit by a truck.

“I was honestly scared because I looked at his wounds and realized how bad they were and I didn’t know how much it was gonna cost,” recalls Hagen.

She’s new to the area so she took Chief to the closest vet she could find. They told her they needed to amputate his leg and it could cost up to $3,000. However, Hagen didn’t have the money needed to pay for the procedure upfront.

Hagen explains, “He asked for me to sign the surrender papers, just in case I could not come up with the funds.”

Hagen signed the papers, with the intent to come up with the money. She says she was told she had until 4 pm that afternoon to do so.

She tried applying for different credit cards and even considered selling her car. There is something called Care Credit, a card specifically used to pay for pet expenses, because of another pet emergency earlier in the year that she was still paying off. She also adds that currently, her credit score is not high enough to apply for more credit.

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Don’t you agree Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking? The fact that she even tried to use credit cards to aid in her efforts and was denied just makes you angry! What would you have done if you were her? Let us know below…


Guess Where This Celebrity Got Their Dog From?

Guess Where This Celebrity Got Their Dog From?
Guess Where This Celebrity Got Their Dog From?

Can you correctly Guess where this celebrity got their dog from? It’s probably not the typical place you have in mind. Take a look to see if you’re correct…

Guess Where This Celebrity Got Their Dog From?

Reese Witherspoon has taken to Instagram to share photos of her son Deacon’s birthday in photos which show off the stunning interior of the actress’ home.

The star of The Morning Show, 47, posted a carousel of personal photos of her son whom she shares with ex-husband Ryan Philippe. Reese shared a picture of Deacon with their adorable dog Benji whom they rescued from an animal sanctuary in Utah in 2020.
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So did you Guess where this celebrity got their dog from? Sois it better to get a dog raised from breeders get or from the animal sanctuary?Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…


What This Dog Did Made A Celebrity Adopt Him Almost Immediately


What This Dog Did Made A Celebrity Adopt Him Almost Immediately! Simply courageous act by this dog got a certain celeb’s attention. In fact the cceleb was so impressed that he adopted the dog. Check out who it was and where the dog’s from…

What This Dog Did Made A Celebrity Adopt Him Almost Immediately

The Nebraska Humane Society recently posted a story about a 6-year-old husky named Bret Michaels, according to KETV.

Three kittens were brought into the rescue recently. Two of the three were doing well but one of them had signs of flea anemia, according to the news outlet. The kitten was “wobbly, weak and lethargic,” which according to the humane society are symptoms of flea anemia.

The kitten needed some blood but transfusions are normally hard for cats because they do not have a universal type of blood.

Bret Michaels had his bloodwork done earlier that day so he became a candidate to help out the cat. KETV reported that canine blood could be used for transfusions for cats. The humane society said even with the first round of transfusion, the kitten started to show signs of improvement.

“A round of ap-paws for Bret Michaels for being such a calm and brave boy, and to our vet team for their quick thinking. Little man is now on the road to recovery, and Bret Michaels is waiting patiently for his forever family!,” Nebraska Humane Society said on Facebook.

The frontman of Poison, Bret Michaels got word of the dog Bret Michaels’ story and contacted the Nebraska Humane Society to adopt him, the humane society said, according to KETV.

“Word got around to THE Bret Michaels who loved the story and wanted to chat with us. One phone call later and guess who’s gonna be living the rock star life from here on out? That’s right! Bret Michaels (the man) is adopting Bret Michaels (the dog),” Nebraska Humane Society said on Facebook. “We can’t wait to see how he thrives in his new home, we just hope it doesn’t get too confusing when someone tells Bret Michaels to fetch!”

“I could not have been more touched and more honored to adopt Bret Michaels the husky, knowing that he gave blood to save the life of a kitten,” Bret Michaels said in a statement to People Magazine. “I could not work fast enough to adopt this husky and extend the awesome quality of little Bret Jr.’s life.” He is currently on his Parti-Gras tour, according to hiswebsite.

“Bret Michaels the human has experience with huskies, and he’s a big fan of them,” said Alec Rose, digital marketing manager at NHS, according to KMTV. “He’s got German shepherds too and they can be pretty similar, so right off the bat he was interested in taking him home.”

The dog, Bret Michaels, is in a foster home until the human, Bret Michaels, is able to pick him up, the news outlet reported.

As for the kitten who has been given the name Thorn, Nebraska Humane Society says he is doing well. Thorn and his siblings have a few weeks to go before they can get adopted. However, according to KMTV, his adoption fees have already been sponsored.

Source: Boston 25 News

Do you think it was a cool for Bret Michaels to adopt the dog named after him? We think it was awesome and it was us we’d do the same thing! Way to go Bret!!!


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