Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking 

Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking 


Oh my gosh, once you find out Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking it’ll make you really re-examine where we are as human beings and a country. Most of us are rational and you’ll probably hate that someone has to give their dog, but you can think of circumstances where it’s best for the dog, or the owner, or the community at large if someone gave up their their dog! However, this woman’s dog wasn’t given up for one of those reasons!  Take a look…


Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking

On Oct. 2, Michelle Hagen was busy getting the kids ready for school when the unthinkable happened. Her 7-month-old, mini Australian Shepherd, Chief, ran across Sheyenne St. and was hit by a truck.

“I was honestly scared because I looked at his wounds and realized how bad they were and I didn’t know how much it was gonna cost,” recalls Hagen.

She’s new to the area so she took Chief to the closest vet she could find. They told her they needed to amputate his leg and it could cost up to $3,000. However, Hagen didn’t have the money needed to pay for the procedure upfront.

Hagen explains, “He asked for me to sign the surrender papers, just in case I could not come up with the funds.”

Hagen signed the papers, with the intent to come up with the money. She says she was told she had until 4 pm that afternoon to do so.

She tried applying for different credit cards and even considered selling her car. There is something called Care Credit, a card specifically used to pay for pet expenses, because of another pet emergency earlier in the year that she was still paying off. She also adds that currently, her credit score is not high enough to apply for more credit.

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Don’t you agree Why This Woman Had To Give Up Her Dog Is Heart Breaking? The fact that she even tried to use credit cards to aid in her efforts and was denied just makes you angry! What would you have done if you were her? Let us know below…

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